Intro 介紹

media-8, conten-delivery-system, Product Intro, James C. Lin

Media-8 is built with QiRKey front end. It is a combination of QRCode and QiRKey security system. The system allows QRCode based entry point and prevents customers from sharing the link. Not only does the shared membership QRCode unique and easily identifiable, it is also easily closed down by editing member's info file. The content of your knowledge on sale cannot be easily copy and stolen as a whole package. Rest assured that your valuble content and much-deserved profit are both protected.

The backend is simple HTML5-based website template. You will be shown how to make edits on template files and upload your contents. The demo site "" uses a template that accommadates all content file types. If your creation variaties are simpler, more targeted templates can be provides.
If you are an established Youtuber and wishes to earn extra income. This system works perfectly as well, as it can be a front-end that wraps up your youtube content in it and allows you to charge whatever you deem fair for your efforts.

The backend is simple HTML5-based website template. You will be shown how to make edits on template files and upload your contents. The demo site "" uses a template that accommadates all content file types. If your creation variaties are simpler, more targeted templates can be provides.
If you are an established Youtuber and wishes to earn extra income. This system works perfectly as well, as it can be a front-end that wraps up your youtube content in it and allows you to charge whatever you deem fair for your efforts.


若您原本就是已經有數位內容的油土伯 Youtuber,也可以藉由這套 "media-8 八傳媒" 謀取額外的收入,會比 Youtube 給的更高,因為價格隨你制定。

DIY 自助

media-8, conten-delivery-system, Product DIY, James C. Lin

If the knowledge and content you want to share is mature and fully developed and documented. You are suitable for the "Self-Help" option. You will be shown how to edit and upload your content and do membership management. The going rate is 70% for you and 30% for deRaconteur. The contract is signed on a 3-year basis. Please inquire for further details.
Please also consider our "Export" option.

如果您想分享販售的獨有專業知識和內容是成熟的,並且有完整的開發和撰寫。您適合參加 "自助 "選項。您將被告知如何編輯和上傳您的內容,並進行會員管理。您的收益率為70%,deRaconteur的收益率為30%。您擁有內容部分的所有智慧財產權。合約簽署最少3年以上。請聯絡洽詢更多細節。
也請您同時考慮參加"Export 外銷"選項。

Partnership 合作

media-8, conten-delivery-system, Product Partnership, James C. Lin

If the knowledge and content you want to share can use a little input from us. Please join the Co-Op option. Your idea and initial knowledge will be further developed with input from deRaconteur. deRaconteur is capable of generating original ideas on many topics. The going rate is 50%-50% both on the profit and intellectual property ownership. The contract is signed on a 3-year basis. Please inquire for further details.
Please also consider our "Export" option.

如果您想分享販售的獨有專業知識和內容想要有夥伴幫忙開發與完熟概念。您適合參加 "合作 "選項。您的原始創意與既有內容,會得到說書人的建議與輸入,並且幫助開發。說書人有多方的背景可以拿來參考與共同發想。您的收益率為50%,deRaconteur的收益率為50%。開發完成的內容的智慧財產權也是50%-50%共同分享。合約簽署最少3年以上。請聯絡洽詢更多細節。
也請您同時考慮參加"Export 外銷"選項。

Export 外銷

media-8, conten-delivery-system, Product Export, James C. Lin

Please consider our "Export" option if you would like to export your knowledge. For English content to be published in Asia, we will take on the job of translation and help you break into the Asian markets. The profit sharing becomes 50-50 split and we also share the IP rights 50-50 in these markets and languages.


Contact 聯繫

media-8, conten-delivery-system, Product Contact, James C. Lin