original creations by raconteur de outillage, industry neutral
we will have more originals coming up...


  • Original One - Invisible Chill Breaker 隱形暖暖兜


    Invisible Chill Breaker is a funcitonal wardrobe.

    ICB Red
  • Original One - Invisible Chill Breaker 隱形暖暖兜


    Invisible Chill Breaker is a funcitonal wardrobe.

    ICB Red
  • Original One - Invisible Chill Breaker 隱形暖暖兜


    Invisible Chill Breaker is a funcitonal wardrobe.

    ICB Red
  • Original Two - Weightless Wrist Wallet 無感脈搏包


    Weightless Wrist Wallet is a sports accessory.

    WWW Red
  • Original Two - Weightless Wrist Wallet 無感脈搏包


    Weightless Wrist Wallet is a sports accessory.

    WWW Red
  • Original Two - Weightless Wrist Wallet 無感脈搏包


    Weightless Wrist Wallet is a sports accessory.

    WWW Red

Invisible Chill Breaker
今年寒冬最溫暖的全新產品 要美麗、要帥氣,卻又怕冷的騎士們有福了 來自加拿大人的防寒保暖經驗與智慧 今年的最新發明:隱形暖暖兜 讓您又時尚,又漂亮,又防風,又禦寒,又保暖! 隱形暖暖兜是用最好的高科技防寒材質做成 重量只有65公克,只是半瓶養樂多的重量, 厚度只有0.15公分,只有厚紙版的厚度, 穿在身上絕對感覺不到它的存在 它的主要功能是在機車或是單車行進中, 隔絕正面而來的冷空氣, 防止您的身體軀幹的核心溫度被冷空氣帶走, 達成讓您在冬天騎車時保暖的目的。 您可以搭配您最喜歡的漂亮衣物、帥氣車衣,還有外套, 隱形暖暖兜會隱形在裡面,讓您的漂亮衣物,變成幫您遮擋風寒的風衣, 就算寒流來襲,也可以又美麗又溫暖的過冬。 不再被臃腫、醜陋的冬衣破壞了您裝扮的風格。 就算在寒冬中,也能秀出您的身材曲線 它防寒,卻又不悶熱,材質柔軟、貼身。絕對是您衣櫥裡,最欠缺的時尚精品。 對單車運動員來說,因為背面鏤空,可以散熱, 是最舒適,有效的,冬季騎車防寒利器。 可貼身穿著,或是穿在外套裡面,並且可以水洗喔! 它絕對是今年最夯的產品,是機車、單車騎士的冬季恩物。 有黑色、紅色、橘色、綠色、紫色喔! 台灣製造精品! 附贈中文與英文緊急醫療資料卡各一個,照顧您出門在外時隨身的安全!
The brand new invention of this winter. For those motorcycle and bicycle rider who want both beauty and style, but don't want the chilly wind. Anti-chill concept and experience from Canada. The Invisible Chill Breaker gives you style and substance and warmth at the same time. It is made from the best high-tech heat retaining material. Weights only 65g and only 0.15cm thick. You'll never fill its weight when you put it on. The main function is to block the cold wind coming head on to you when you ride a motorcycle or a bicycle, thus preventing your core temperature from taken away by the chill and giving you the warmth that you usually miss when you ride. Wear it inside your favourite fall or winter cloths and voila, instant chill breaker. You curves and style will never be hindered by the clumsy winter bloatware again. It keeps you warm while keeping your body well ventilated. It is soft and conforming to your body curve. It is definitely the most important item in your winter collection. For bicycle riders, your body heat is ventilated through the back thus keeping you warm and comfortable at the same time. Definitely the most important piece of equipment you need in winter. It is washable and comes in 5 beautiful colours, black, red, orange, green and purple. It is made in Taiwan and comes with a set of emergency medical cards to keep you safe everywhere you go.
購買...click to buy

Weightless Wrist Wallet
當來自紐約的互動裝置藝術家, 以設計實驗性醫療軟體的人因工程概念跟經驗, 還有前衛互動裝置藝術手法的創新思維。 來設計運動用品時~~~ 無感脈搏包誕生了~ 她使用高科技材質製造, 重量只有15公克,戴在手碗上, 完全感受不到她的重量跟存在。 無感脈搏包同時有兩個主要的口袋, 一個能裝載您運動旅遊應該隨身的健保卡跟悠遊卡/信用卡。 另一個讓您隨身攜帶零錢跟鑰匙, 而讓他們不隨激烈運動而晃動。 還有讓您帶著護唇膏隨時取用的貼心小插口。 人因工程概念的設計,讓您放入無感脈搏包中的物品, 在運動的過程中,不會因為劇烈動作而掉落。 無感脈搏包,是您運動,旅遊的最佳良伴。 您不再需要攜帶厚重的腰包或是錢包, 讓零錢鑰匙沿路發出難聽的惱人聲響跟不便的晃動。 當您戴在手上,穿著長袖外衣時,就隱藏了它的存在。 卻讓您需要取用的時候,僅是舉手之勞的一秒。 不論是健身房運動、舞蹈室跳舞、瑜伽, 長途的LSD慢跑、單車、游泳、鐵人三項運動, 或是外出、出國旅遊需要隱形錢包保障自己的安全, 不管上山下海,無感脈搏包都是您輕便的最佳選擇。 她是集安全,實用,時尚於一身的高科技終極工藝~ 也是台灣精緻製造的驕傲。 有黑色、紅色、橘色、綠色、紫色! 手腕脈搏處圓周<16公分者,請選購S號。 手腕脈搏處圓周<20公分者,請選購M號。 手腕脈搏處圓周<24公分者,請選購L號。 附贈中文與英文緊急醫療資料卡各一個,照顧您出門在外時隨身的安全!
When an Interactive Artist, with UE design experiences in designing experimental medical software and ergonomics concepts and radical concepts in making interactive installation arts, and apply them to designing sporting goods. The end result is the Weightless Wrist Wallet. It weights only 15g and you can barely acknowledge its existence when you have it on. It comes equipped with two main pockets. One for your credit card/cash card and health card. The other for your pocket change and key. They will not rattle nor make unsavoury noises as you exercise. There is also a small pocket for keeping you lip balms readily available. The ergonomic design keeps your items accessible in an instant, yet out of the way as you exercise. Whether you are in a gym, dancing or doing yoga, or out there toughing the elements doing LSD runs, cycling, swimming or triathlons. It is even suitable when you are doing travelling and need that invisible pocket to keep your items safe and secure. The Weightless Wrist Wallet is your best choice. Made in Taiwan and it exemplifies the fine craftsmanship Taiwan is world renown for and comes with a set of emergency medical cards to keep you safe everywhere you go. It comes in black, red, orange, green and purple colours. Wrist diameter < 16cm, please select Size S. Wrist diameter < 20cm, please select Size M. Wrist diameter < 24cm, please select Size L.
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