
QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product Intro, James C. Lin

QiRKey stands for "Quick interactive Response Key". It is a network security measure based on QRCode with custom expanded functionality. As such, it is the first hardware encryption key in the world without needing electronic circuitry. Due to this special propensity it can be made into stunning artsy artifact and deRaconteur wouldn't have it any other way. It is suitable to be added to any current website login system as extra hardware security.


QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product Intro, James C. Lin

QiRKey 是 "Quick interactive Response Key"的縮寫,中文簡稱:"古怪鑰匙". 它是一個基於QRCode的安全系統,加上了獨家客製化的功能。因此,它也是世界上第一個沒有電子電路的硬體金鑰,也因為這個特性,她的外觀比電子的硬體金鑰可以做的更精美。說書人基於一貫的藝術手法,每一個古怪鑰匙,都會是令人驚艷的藝術品。它很適合安裝在任何現有的會員制帳號密碼關卡之前,提供更多一層的保護。

USP 特色

QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product USP, James C. Lin

This security system is based on QRCode with expanded functionality. The Unique Selling Points are as follows:

List of USPs 特色清單

# Description 敘述
1. Stunningly artsy
2. Can laser-etched on rare materials.
3. Can be used to build multi-layer security mechanism.
4. Can be used to build multi-person security mechanism.
5. Makes in-person physical presence as part of security measure.
...more to be disclosed


QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product USP, James C. Lin



# 敘述
1. 令人驚艷的藝術值
2. 可雷雕在特殊材質上
3. 可建立多層次安全系統
4. 可建立同時多人安全系統
5. 可讓"實際在場"成為網路安全的必須構成要件。

Price 價格

QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product Price, James C. Lin

A digital security key costs about $30USD. Although "QiRKey" doesn't contain circuitry, however, it still takes time to customzide each key and deRaconteur insist on extremely high quality and aesthetic standards. "QiRKey" is not available to be licensed for on-site deployment. deRaconteur makes each key in-house.

Please inquire actual pricing with info on the size of your membership base and your actual site URL so it can be evaluated for deployment. Every project requires customization. Multi-layer and Multi-person security measures will cost extra and will be factored into the final quotation.

市售的電子密碼金鑰大概一個要$30美金。每個 "古怪鑰匙" 雖然沒有電路與電子零件,每個 "古怪鑰匙" 仍須由說書人親自製造,需要花費時間。而且,說書人對於製造品質與美感有極致要求。說書人並不販售"古怪鑰匙"技術讓客戶自行製造。

請提供貴司的人數與實際要使用的網址 URL。以便評估如何部屬。若是需要多層次或是多人同時的安全系統,每套系統都是客製,價格將會併入最後的報價中。


QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Product Price, James C. Lin

市售的電子密碼金鑰大概一個要$30美金。每個 "古怪鑰匙" 雖然沒有電路與電子零件,每個 "古怪鑰匙" 仍須由說書人親自製造,需要花費時間。而且,說書人對於製造品質與美感有極致要求。說書人並不販售"古怪鑰匙"技術讓客戶自行製造。

請提供貴司的人數與實際要使用的網址 URL。以便評估如何部屬。若是需要多層次或是多人同時的安全系統,每套系統都是客製,價格將會併入最後的報價中。


QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Contact Info, James C. Lin


QiRKey, QRCode, Hardware Key, Security Key, Contact Info, James C. Lin