Intro 介紹

民宿沒有全新裝潢,也沒有全新傢俱。房間內也沒有電視、冷氣。但開幕不到3個月就拿到 AirBnB"超讚房東"資格,也一直維持5星滿分的平均評價。因為武漢肺炎疫情暫停。現在正在重新定義用途。這是說書人在餐旅業的產品設計與客服方面的工作範例。

100坪的民宿本身總共:二層樓、六間套房、四間雅房、二間公共浴室。另外還有一個19坪的地下室辦公空間,還有8坪的一樓門面。重新定義用途後,會有127坪 (4521 sq. ft)的總空間。 預計2021/01/01 重啟別的用途

這棟房子在台中市東區建中街,距離台中火車站只需走路 1.1 公里,這邊有新時代百貨、凱擎影城還有24小時的家樂福。距離正在營建中的三井outlet與台灣中部最大的傳統生鮮批發建國市場也是差不多距離。距離忠孝夜市還有剛開的國賓影城500公尺,忠孝路是在地人的夜市,不算大,但是很多美食,曾經被喻為是台灣的素食天堂。走路十分鐘就到228東峰公園,它是一條總長5公里的森林步道,可以來回跑步10公里,一頭是台中的信仰中心樂成宮還有祂的月老,另一頭是中興大學門口的森林步道。附近有興大附農、台中國小、大智國小、東峰國中,大智公園、228東峰公園。而且因為建中街有一邊是興大附農的圍牆,所以這裡鬧中取靜,也很容易免費停車。


命名:Auberge de la Paix by deRaconteur 和平飯店,原因是這齣周潤發與葉童主演的經典電影"和平飯店",主題曲:完全因你,是香港歌手彭羚原唱,粵語版的歌詞意境比較深刻,也比較貼切電影情節:


完全因你 by 彭羚

作詞:李敏 作曲:Alex San

從前的我 迷途失望 而人海裡面困惑 只感到恐慌
迷途的我 如何泊岸 浮沉中碰著這份愛 使我嚮往

完全因你 重燃希望 無窮黑暗內擦亮了心裡燭光
完全因你 情懷激盪 隨緣竟碰著你令我得到釋放

你改變命運的結局 陪流淚的我笑著看
一個韆鞦於春雨裡 猶像我心在搖蕩
打破命運 為我阻攔冬日風雪下降 能令一生不迷惘

從前的我 從前的禍 明明出錯 但你令我擺脫痛楚
完全因你 來臨相助 而人生已沒有不可 悠然地唱罷這首歌

你改變命運的結局 陪流淚的我笑著看
一個韆鞦於春雨裡 猶像我心在搖蕩
打破命運 為我阻攔冬日風雪下降 能令一生不迷惘

從前的我 從前的禍 明明出錯 但你令我擺脫痛楚
完全因你 來臨相助 而人生已沒有不可 悠然地唱罷這首歌



raconteur cave à vin

此刻規劃19坪的地下室辦公室作為使用,有足夠的辦公空間還有空間供創意實驗。說書人常駐在這個點,可以提供各種領域的專業與您腦力激盪,您在"說書人" 上面,看到的所有工作能力,都可以拿來當做您的顧問。這邊也有些現有的工具,例如縫紉機、簡單的木工器材,還有數台不同規格與作業系統的筆電還有無線網路可以做測試用。這些可以提供您使用。您決定進駐前,會跟您詳談之後的智慧財產與營收的分享細節。

這個空間恆溫23度,有對外的抽風機保持空氣流通。沒有美麗裝潢,就是實在的工作場所,是來揮灑汗水的。三個人會有您的專屬桌子跟位置,我會在中間空曠處做一個大的工作平台供大家一起使用。若是您的點子提早上市,也須請您務必參與完整個年份的工作,提供您的專業給予所有人分享到結束為止。目前的願景是希望能變成像說書人以前在紐約大學的互動電訊科系 ITP 的實驗室這樣的地方。可以點此觀看介紹影片:ITP 2019影片檔案 245mb...請耐心等待。



  1. 您已經有產品的初始創意
  2. 您有相關的核心技術或是願意學習
  3. 您要負責實驗用的物料的費用
  4. 您在產品商品化以後,有能力與資金、資源去量產
  5. 您願意提供部分的智財所有權與之後的營收與說書人分享

Accepting applications now for anyone with good ideas to develop into commercial products. We don't charge rent, but when your product is commercialized and goes on sale, you would have to share a good portio of intellectual property profit with deRaconteur. All of deRaconteur's professional capabilities are at your disaposal and so are the tools on the premise. A detailed IP and Profit sharing schedule will be worked out and contract signed before you start the actual hard work.

Taiwan Technology Outpost in Taichung

Auberge de la Paix has small offices with private bathroom available for rent. It is convienently located 1.1 km from the Taichung Rail Station and is near all transportation hubs. Also, it is within 8-minute walk to a night-market loaded with amazing local foods and a cinema multiplex.

There are 11 offices of verious sizes and facilities available. Foreign companies looking to start exploring businesses in Taichung or Taiwan are welcomed to rent the facility and register an official business entity at our address.

deRaconteur is available to offer local guide/translation/business consultant and point-man.

Two of the rooms will retain "Hostel" functionality to allow our foreign guests a convienent location to rest. For those with their offices registered at our location, we offer this service at a discount rate.

Paix Auberge is owned by deRaconteur and it is a technology minded business entity. The professional capabilies of deRaconteur is on offer to any company registered as this location. deRaconteur can act as your local sentinal and liason representative, in addition to help maintain your company's local presence and smooth operations at an additional cost.

This building is privately built and spared no cost with materials. The metal frame and masonry are both almost double the building code requirements. It is also the official bunker and saft-house for the entire alley's residences.

Apply now and reserve your seat.

Taiwan Technology Sentinel in Taichung

Auberge de la Paix has spare offices that's been repurposed into Taiwan Technology Outpost. While this service provides local office rentals for foreign entities who wishes to establish advanced footing in Taiwan's technology sector, deRaconteur recognizes that this may not be the only viable approach. deRaconteur offers a sentinel and liason services for foreign entities who wishes to establish a presence in Taiwan, but do no wish to send personel or establish a brick-and-mortar entity.

Taiwan Technology Sentinel in Taichung offers the unique service of being your local presence withour your sending staff here.

Apply now and reserve your seat.